The Power of Your Awareness

the power of your awareness

Newsletter by Tina Bishai

June 2024

The Power of Your Awareness

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You don’t know what you don’t know?” I remember hearing that for the first time about 15 years ago at a Landmark Forum seminar. I don’t think I ever really connected the dots until recent years. I thought it was true, and it made sense. But little did I understand how applicable it was to a person’s awareness, which is paramount to the kind of experience you have each day, and what you’re able to attract into your life.

Imagine that you are walking around with blinders or blurry glasses on. What you see in your life is shaped by your beliefs and attitudes. Then you experience life. Each of us experiences life differently based on our blinders/glasses.

The issue is, a lot of times it is difficult for us to see what we don’t know. It’s difficult for us to see our hidden beliefs and attitudes that just seem so natural to us. In fact, our beliefs and attitudes often become part of our identity. Hence the phrase, “You don’t know what you don’t know!” It’s just who you are, and that’s one of the reasons why its difficult to see for yourself (and much easier for others to see:)

In previous newsletters, I’ve spoken about the concept that everything we experience in our life is a mirror image of something we are holding onto (i.e. a belief about ourselves or others), and this is a great way to discover your hidden beliefs. (If you haven’t had a chance to read past newsletters yet, feel free to visit our blog where you can catch up.)

But what if we didn’t have to know exactly what we are holding onto in order to make a positive shift in ourselves and our lives? This would make life a lot easier. It would be easier to experience growth and to experience what we preferred more of the time. Also, we wouldn’t be focusing on the negative beliefs/attitudes within us as much.

Good news! I’ve found a way to bypass the endless limiting beliefs that we often hold onto. You may wonder why we hold onto beliefs or ways of being that don’t serve us? Every single time the answer is the same….a part of you (your inner child) doesn’t feel safe without them!

In Neville’s book, The Power of Awareness, he talks about the concept of failure in one of his chapters. He says…..“The time that it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be – of already having what you desire.”

Feeling natural about your goal achieved? How do you do that if you’ve never had it? Neville explains that we need to use our imagination to feel into it. As an example, if you want to live in Florida, you would imagine your feet in the sand, the warm breeze on your face, and smell the fresh ocean air in your mind’s eye; and feel those sensations as you do it. As you do this consistently with belief and faith, your dream becomes a reality.

The beautiful thing is I’ve found a way to help you realize your dreams and goals much faster. In this series I created, The Power of Awareness Energy Healings, you will see exactly how to do this in the comfort of your own home. I’ve taken parts of Neville’s teachings and turned them into energy healings for you. My experience with healing has been an incredible movement in my life and circumstances, and I want the same for you too!

And to have you get the best possible outcomes in your life, you need to understand the ground rules….

  • You need to believe that God wants you to be abundant, healthy, and well in all areas of your life. There is no guilt, shame, fear or worry if you want more of anything in your life. Expansion is what God created us for. (If you don’t believe me, message me, and I’m happy to send you some Bible verses that tell you exactly this.) It is natural, and you can expand while you are grateful for what you already have.
  • You need to believe that you are fully supported in your desires. Your desires are not contrary to God’s will. You are given the desires that you want to pursue in your heart so that you can grow into your new identity – one that matches the frequency of your goal achieved.
  • God will give you the desires to do those things, the ideas, the plans, the strategies, the faith, the vision, the divine connections, the opportunities but you have to go and actually work them, you have to seize them.
  • In other words, you need to tell God what you want (DECIDE), and ask Him for the strategy to achieve it. Listen and write down the information you receive. Then take action on it.

Now that the basics are taken care of, let’s go back to the naturalness of feeling (receiving and having) your goal achieved. The healings I’ve created for you in The Power of Awareness Energy Healings will lead you down the perfect path to continue to experience yourself with your goal achieved. You’ll have specific healings that you can use each and every day or at your leisure, in the comfort of your own home. You’ll also understand what you need to embody in order to have your dreams become your reality. Who is in?

This is a beautiful life we have been given. It is a precious gift! Let’s make the most of it.

Click here to find out more information about this new series I’ve created to help catapult you into success.

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