Newsletter by Tina Bishai
January 2025
Planting Seeds of Possibility
Happy New Year! Welcome 2025!
This is a time of renewal and new beginnings. It’s a chance for you to be and do something different than last year. You may think last year was great and why bother changing at all? Well…how about expansion? How about moving closer to the truth about who you are? How about even greater abundance, love, community, health, and well-being? All you have to do is DECIDE and then set it into motion using a systematized approach. Sounds technical, but really it’s a way to set yourself up for success and hold yourself accountable.
Your new way of being that you want to embody is how you plant seeds of possibility for this year. I did an exercise in our last healing session that can help you decide how you want to be (and I’m sharing it here for you). Take a look at 3-5 positive experiences you had in 2024, and beside each write down the emotions you felt with the experience. Then feel into them, give gratitude, and allow the feeling to expand through your body. Next, look at 3-5 challenging experiences you had in 2024 and do the same thing – write down the emotions you experienced with each challenge (you might have experienced sadness, anger, resentment, fear, etc.) Do you see a pattern? If you don’t see it right away, zoom out a bit and check if you can see similar emotions trying to come out through each “negative” experience. If the basic premise, “LIFE IS FOR YOU” is surmised, then what if you had the experience so that you could get the emotion out of your body (instead of keeping it in, getting stuck, and creating dis-ease). We can easily think we’re angry because this happened in our lives, but what if we held onto the anger from childhood, and the experience came to us to help us get “unstuck”? Is it possible that it can be an opportunity to heal something inside of us? Or do we use our 5 senses and blame the person or circumstance? If we do the latter, I believe we are missing an opportunity. What comes first….the trapped emotion or the challenging experience (kind of like the chicken or the egg).
Once you see the one or two main emotions you experienced with the negative situations, then ask yourself what the opposite emotion would be. For example, if you experience sadness or anger over and over, then the opposite emotions might be joy and peace. Then give yourself the gift of experiencing the healing to empty out the old stuck emotions, and call in the new emotions you’ve listed. You can experience that 30-minute healing session here.
I invite you to claim those new emotions as your new way of being for 2025 after you listen to the healing session. What you’ll be doing is creating more space within you (by helping to empty out the negative emotions). And you’ll be calling in the new emotions you prefer. This is a wonderful way to plant new seeds, and have different experiences than you did last year. No need to repeat the same old things that you don’t prefer.
Now you have a new platform to build something on. You actually have a chance of no longer experiencing life challenges that bring up similar emotions. You can do this with the healing session, through breathwork, and lots of movement with your body. In fact, the combination of all three will help you the most.
Next, you’ll want to create and plant seeds of possibility with your mind and heart. Visualize how you want to feel in 2025, and what you want to experience, and consistently keep your focus and attention here. I want you to remember what a powerful soul you are! Once you LIBERATE the stuck emotions, it’s so much easier to CREATE. If you’re a client of mine or have done any work with me, you’ll know about the Liberation Creation Meditation I created to help you do just that on a regular basis. Don’t worry if you haven’t yet experienced a healing session together there’s an opportunity for you here.
Now you’re ready to set your goals and intentions for 2025. The systemized approach is just making it happen through repetitive and scheduled appointments booked in your calendar and following through on them.
For example, if you want to lose 10 lbs. – then you know you need to drink a certain amount of water based on your current weight, get in a certain number of steps, and then work out and eat homemade healthy foods. So each day/week, you would schedule these into your calendar to get done. And the energy behind it (which is most important) is your commitment to yourself! You are deciding to love yourself so much more this year than last year, that you will give yourself the opportunity to practice this systemized approach, because you know you’ll reach your goal at some point.
Once you set this system up, simply follow it for yourself. And the trick will be…. commitment and love. Don’t be hard on yourself if you’re sick or tired one day, just do your best. Feeling guilty or judging yourself for whatever reason, adds more energetic weight that will slow the process down for whatever your goal may be.
Each day, just allow yourself the opportunity to take consistent action towards your goal in the way of being that you’ve described for yourself in 2025. You’re bound to have new experiences, and increased self-confidence. And loving yourself is a practice that helps improve everything in your life.
Will you commit to loving yourself MORE this year? Will you commit to BEING the new way you’ve chosen this year? I give myself reminders each day by opening up a blessing/gratitude journal most every day, and on the very front page are the words I’ve chosen to be.
You are a powerful creator! Use your power for good!
And if you feel stuck or in resistance….it’s ok! Come for healing sessions to remove the blocks! Give yourself a little bit of grace, and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!
You will see the seeds of possibility that you have planted bloom.
Here’s a quote of inspiration from Ed Mylett on IG…
“Most People think the attainment of that dream is much further away than it really is. It causes them to Behave in such a way that keeps that vision at a distance all of their life.
You are MUCH CLOSER than you think you are.
Believe it or not, you are only ONE decision away from completely CHANGING your LIFE.
Listen to me !!! The difference between winning and losing is so small it’s almost too scary to talk about! It’s ONE ACTION
What if you could live life and be in anticipation of that ONE thing changing everything?
And so I remind you again today and every day to continue to take regular massive action. It is the gateway to transformation.
Expect it. Anticipate it. Know it!”