Newsletter by Tina Bishai
December 2024
The Holiday Season is here, and it’s my favorite time of year. This month, I choose to remind you of who you truly are in the eyes of God….modified from my children’s book, which can be purchased on Amazon. If each of us actually remembers this Truth, and better yet, had it engrained in us as children, how different would we all be? And how different this world would be.
Enjoy the A to Z of who you truly are in the eyes of God.
You are ABUNDANT – this means you have a life of peace, joy, love, purpose, and fulfillment regardless of your outer circumstances.
You are BLESSED – when you connect inwards to your heart, you are in tune with God’s will. And so you are being guided and God is directing you.
You are CAPABLE – You can do anything you set your mind to with God’s help. Your capability is your strength, power, and ability to accomplish things that are in your heart.
You are DELIGHTFUL – through God’s grace, you are delightful in His sight. It is not dependent on your performance. If God sees you perfectly, then maybe you can be a bit easier on yourself.
You are EXCEPTIONAL – this means you don’t settle for being average in your way of being. You dream big and practice acknowledging the gifts that God has given to you.
You are FREE – which means you have nothing to fear or feel anxious about. As a child of God, you are more than enough as you are.
You are GRATEFUL – the simple act of being thankful for all you are and all you have is good to practice every day.
You are HELPFUL – just be present and ask whoever is in front of you today, “How can I help you?” It sounds simple, but the more you live like this, the more good comes through you.
You are INSPIRING – you have a talent for being able to encourage and support others. You are creative and curious, and when you use these traits, you are inspiring to others.
You are JUST – this means you are fair and loving, always trying to do your best. You are generous with your gifts and talents.
You are KIND – to everyone you meet, not just your friends. Kindness means you show forgiveness, compassion, and thoughtfulness to others.
You are LOVED – God loves you so much and you are loved and accepted just as you are. Through His grace, you are perfect in His sight.
You are MAJESTIC – God has given you power and authority to rule over your own life and reign on this Earth because you were created in God’s image.
You are NURTURING – you take care of, protect, or feed someone or something. Practice this and your confidence will soar.
You are OPULENT – to think and believe that you have all kinds of treasures and riches within you is to be opulent. This comes from truly knowing what it means to be a child of God.
You are PEACEFUL – on the inside because this is where you will find God. He lives within you, not outside of you.
You are QUALIFIED – to receive all blessings from God. Your performance does not qualify you. You being here and loving God does!
You are RESPECTFUL – to yourself and others, which means you know your worth! You love yourself and others even if they are different from you, or you are different from them.
You are STRONG – and can do anything with God’s help. You are strong in character, strong in faith, strong in love, strong in kindness…and so much more!
You are TRUSTWORTHY – which means you are honest and dependable. You say what you mean and mean what you say in a kind and loving manner. It also means you are responsible… for your life and for your emotions.
You are UNDERSTOOD – God knows everything about you, including how you feel on the inside. He gets you!
You are VALUABLE – you are a beautiful creation created by the Creator. No mistakes here!
You are WONDERFUL – because you are fearfully and wonderfully created by God.
You are XENIAL – which is to be warm and welcoming; loving your neighbors as yourself.
You are YOUTHFUL – having curiosity, inspiration, and imagination lead the way.
You are ZEALOUS – which means you are energetic and have enthusiasm for something and for your life.
AND REMEMBER….God loves you. You were created for a special reason. You can make a positive difference in this world.
P.S….If you read this and don’t feel that I’m speaking about you…..then you have forgotten who you really are! My wish for you is to spend some time in stillness and reflection. Start to embody these ways of being so that you can begin to know yourself as the real you! Love yourself enough to give yourself this gift of Truth.
As you reflect on 2024, may you bring more of the Truth of who you really are into this new year 2025.
With love and gratitude for each of you.