The Power of Love & Self-Worth

The Power of Love & Self-Worth

Newsletter by Tina Bishai

February 2025

The Power of Love & Self-Worth

Did you know that the greatest gift you can give yourself is to truly KNOW YOURSELF? And I don’t just mean know what you like, or what your preferences are. I mean KNOW YOURSELF as the being that was created by the One Divine Being.

I often think we forget just how much power God has given to us, and that’s the truth of when we get to experience God’s power working through us. We are not told to pray to God so that He can move mountains. We are told to have faith, believe with all our hearts, and speak to the mountain to move, and it will be done. (Here is the quote, if you’re interested – it’s from Matthew 17:20 Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. And another verse in Mark 11:23, says, For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.)

How can we be created to be this powerful, yet put ourselves down? Believe we’re not good enough? Or believe we don’t deserve good things? A lot of us look to our past experiences to define ourselves, but is this the correct place to look? What if our past experience shows us our lack of faith? Or our lack of forgiveness of ourselves or others? It would be a shame to miss out on this kind of experience, simply because we’re looking in the wrong place!

What if as we begin to discover the truth of who we are, we also begin to discover God’s love? His love for us, and for the way we were created….. in His image. And if this sounds too religious for you, what if you begin to discover Oneness with all that is?

When we look at our own lives, does it seem like we are moving mountains? Or simply hoping and wishing for a specific outcome? I can say with certainty that most of us are hoping and wishing. Some of us even take action to create, but then we get a different result than we expected.

So how do we become this powerful force that God says we are? I recently found this incredible video by Gregg Braden where he describes visiting a 1500 year old Coptic Orthodox monastery in the mountains of Egypt that had ancient texts in their library. One of those ancient texts was the lost Gospel of Thomas with Jesus’ teachings (edited out of the Christian Bible). Verse 106 and verse 48 are where Gregg focuses our attention (full video is here).

Gregg discusses the verse “Ask and you shall receive” (from Matthew 7:7), which we’ve all heard. He says, “And I know people who ask and ask and ask, but nothing happens because the asking is not done with the voice. To ask, we must speak to the Divine matrix in the language that the field recognizes. The field doesn’t recognize our voice; it recognizes the power of our heart, which creates electromagnetic waves.”

Gregg says that to unleash the force of the Divine matrix in our lives, we have to;

  • Understand how it works, and
  • Speak the language that the Divine Matrix recognizes.

The ancient text that he points us to in the Gospel of Thomas says in verse 106, When you make the two (thought and emotion) one, you will say to the mountain, “Mountain move away” and the mountain will move away.”

This is saying when you can marry your thought and emotion into one single potent force, that is when you have the power to speak to the Divine matrix. When the two become one in our hearts, we create the feeling of it already being achieved, in our bodies.

The Power of Love & Self-Worth

In verse 48, it says, “If the two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, “Move away” and the mountain will move away.” Of course, the house is our temple/body.

But then the question is, how do we do this?

When you create the feeling in your heart as if your prayer is already answered, that creates the electrical and magnetic waves that bring that answer to you.

In today’s Bible, John 16:23-24 – we have the condensed and edited version – Whatsoever ye ask the Father in My Name, He will give it to you, hitherto, have ye asked nothing in My Name. Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” The two sentences that tell us how to ask have been edited from this version.

The missing pieces…..

“All things that you ask straightly, directly from inside my Name, you will be given. So far you’ve not done this.” (because if we ask with our voice, we have not done this). And here is the piece that was edited – 2 very powerful sentences…Ask without hidden motives and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped by what you desire, that your gladness be full.”

This is when your thoughts and emotions become one.

‘Ask without hidden motive’ means ask without judgment, without the ego. Ask from the heart.

‘Be surrounded’ means to feel as if it is already done.

Gregg goes on to explain with an example – where a woman is receiving an energetic healing to remove a tumor (full video is here). The practitioners who were working on the woman accepted the tumor as one of many possibilities. They didn’t say “Bad cancer, you must go away. Or we’ll use radiation on you.” First, they accept it as a possibility. Then they choose a new reality, by feeling and assuming the feeling that the woman is already healed. Feel the feeling of “fully healed, already done…. now, now, now.”

Physical reality must respond to the language it understands.

Instructions to BE SURROUNDED, BE ENVELOPED – this is how you create the feeling. When you put this all together, its something that happens in our hearts, not our minds.

How can we be created so powerfully, and yet doubt ourselves in our everyday lives? I believe it’s because we listen to lies. Lies we tell ourselves, or we hear from our family or upbringing. Lies that are evil and are not based in fact!

This Valentine’s Day, I invite you to love yourself enough, to get the words straight from the Creator! This is where you find the Truth. When you start to believe and practice this, you will show yourself your true identity (not from past experiences or what others say about you; not from your education or lack of education; not from your career or position; not from your bank account).


The Power of Love & Self-Worth
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